Reboot group.

Reboot group.

Every Wednesday and Saturday. 12 AM — 11:59pm UTC
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Personal purifications. Embody your own purity. Plug directly into your own source connection and your own self healing ability - and nothing else. Live the positive future-now where nothing controls you and false identities, family patterns and personal issues slowly melt away. 

Event details

On the day | What to expect | EmbodyAdd someone / thing | Wed & Sat | Remote | Last sign-up: Tue & Fri 23:59pm UTC

  1. Join first, yourself.
  2. Write your specific focus. This arrives via a separate email. You can continuously update it.
  3. This happens on an unseen level. On the day, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing.
  4. You or who / whatever you sign up receives a purification in the area of greatest need.
  5. Decide how to join: one-time (Choose your dates) or on a continual basis which you can pause, restart or cancel whenever you wish (Recurring Reboot).
  6. Give as you wish: listen to what your body tells you.
  7. During the purification you will be sent an event email with a link to any event materials available.
  8. You can Request IA or Send a top-up any time.

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