Apr 21, 2021
Address the wellspring of pain inherited by the descendants of those who have violated nature's principles and participated in the cultural destruction of indigenous peoples and their landrights. Transmute the historical memory recorded in the waters of this planet incurred by breaking the link between human beings and Mother Earth. Delete the frequencies which regard land as merely transaction and commodity. Restore reverence and humility in relation to where we live and the planet as our home.
Related events: Birthplace, peace & the Earth grid; Dreaming & the force of nature; Houses, buildings & places; Houses, buildings & places 2; Planetary reimagining; Protection purification track; Protection purification track 2; Purify Planet Earth.
Event: Reboot groups.
Theme: Clearing & protection; Nature, planet & all beings.
Included: 1 mp3 link (20 mins).
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