Field intensity directed energies 2.

Jan 21, 2023

Stand unflinchingly in the atomic purity of your own self. Develop the intensity of your own particle wave well beyond any extreme counterforces operating in the world. Dismantle targeted energies of attack and persecution without ever engaging their negative image. Assert yourself as a force of love even more strongly in the world.

Related events: Black magic; Clarity & endurance; Field intensity directed energies; Knowing who you are; Malevolence & witchcraft accusations; No self-censoring; Standing firm; The crack in the mirror; The science of images; You are a force of love.

Event: Reboot groups.

Theme: Clearing & protection; Crisis, pain & challenge; Flower again; For these times.

Included: 1 mp3 link (22 mins), 1 transcript (pdf).


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