Realigning the 5 elements.

May 13, 2023

Feel more exhilaration. Grasp the 5 elements more fully. Tighten up the areas of your life which are leaking energy. Abandon old strategies which keep false ideas in place. Power up to the next level and assume your full standing. Organise your life across the board in line with committing to what is right.

Related events: Aftercare 3: Keeping strong boundaries; Dreaming protection purification track; Mother Earth connection; Partition, ego & true boundaries; The 6 aspects of identity; The global nature intelligence system; The great waking up; The great waking up (SIR); This love.

Event: Reboot groups.

Theme: Nature, planet & all beings.

Included: 1 mp3 link (20 mins), 1 transcript (pdf).


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