The Earth is changing ...

Feb 28, 2020

… and a great purification is taking place. Religion and politics, science as we know it, and all societal structures are slowly disappearing. The global purification space is being revealed and we will return to the way of nature. Human beings are now being asked to drop all which does not serve them and realign with the source of their own being. New, much higher vibrations are bombarding the planet and we are being forced to let go of everything which harms us and the environment. Each one of us is wanting real change. The purity of your being is now coming forward and you are now able to delete your own patterns. Our planetary future hangs in the balance but even the worst suffering can transmute and heal. I am available night and day; wherever you are and as soon as you find me, your own self-healing ability will start to switch on. Slowly the family patterns and personal issues holding you back will transmute. You can take healthy control of your own source connection; delete the patterns and blocks limiting and confining you; and begin to embody more love on this planet.

Event: Latest writing; Special events.


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