More and more people are waking up.

Feb 8, 2021

The percentage is getting high now. Around 56%. Many are still too frightened to stop complying - yet - but they know ... and the fear is actually keeping them alive. These are such mind bending times. If you are rooted in the new high frequencies, you can see exactly what is happening and you only strengthen. The light of you embodies even more, regardless of your emotions, driving the frequency ever higher. Waking up is not always about staying in the body. As you go higher, others must move on to settings where they better realise the things you already know. It is not necessary for people to leave, but if they cannot compute much purer vibrations, they will migrate to exactly where they can. The anguish at this process, for us, can be very hard to bear. Many of you, I know, are breaking down and breaking open at the pain of what you see. Even this is transmuting the situation and helping to tip the balance. It only brings that deep light forward that never left, which is always here.

Event: Latest writing; Special events.


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