Early artwork.

Pre 2016 purification images.

5 events

The power of the land. Apr 16, 2016
Take on the full healing power of the Earth in your personal field. Embed yourself deeply in the place where you live and receive the…
Signs of the Earth. Feb 23, 2005
Get back in touch with Mother Earth and grounds you in the principles of nature. Live the language of mountain, sun, sky, river and rock.…
Love. Apr 13, 2004
Live in the true vibration of love, strengthening your source connection and your relationship with your body. Come back to yourself, emitting a deep vibration…
Indigene. Dec 30, 1998
Strongly ground yourself and link all beings to Earth, its ancient story and indigenous peoples. Connect directly with the soil beneath your feet, fully embrace…
Listening to myself. Dec 30, 1998
Attend to only your own source connection and turn up the volume on your own unique personal instructions. Draw from your own purity - where…