How does it work?

Aligning with nature's principles.

A continual presence

I constantly broadcast a signal of purity which pushes you back into just your own purity, nothing eand non-one else, so your self healing ability activates - and everything can resolve. This is regardless of where I am or what I am doing. I also offer events for you to join so you can come into more conscious contact with that signal and specialised versions of its wavelength.

  • You never need to meet me physically, though sometimes this may be possible.
  • And you don't need to understand it. This happens regardless of whether you believe in it or not.

Your biology upgrades

You unlock the area in your own self where your personal instructions tell your body to anchor your multidimensional self. You then start to align your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies with the purity aspect of your own source connection, which is built to absorb pure love and fill you like a battery or solar panel.

  • You begin to build a new body.
  • You embody pure love on this planet.
  • You automatically begin to purify the false identities you've adopted which suffer from family patterns and personal issues. 
  • Situations will come up thick and fast to re-set your old redundant behaviours.

What happens?

So many things. Including:

  • The not self and your slave self deletes.
  • Your DNA spontaneously repairs and transforms. You rewrite the past, present and future.
  • Your ancestral line slowly purifies then last of all your birthplace.
  • A new Earth grid generates, and eventually you transform everyone around you.

I am not a healer

You have the power to do everything yourself when you are plugging directly into purity and nothing else. I don't go into your personal field at all: put anything in or take anything out. I don't need to! Meanwhile, because each person - including me - only connects even more powerfully with their own selves, you can't pick up anything up from anyone else and nothing can bleed into you.

My words: important!

All of my words are a report on what is already purifying and currently passing through your personal field; transmuting and leaving. They are the purification in action. So the task is not to analyse, believe or disbelieve what I say. It is to relax into whatever happens as you interact with my look, word and touch - and neither reject or accept it - as the purification occurs according to what nature decides. 


When I mention "an initiation," in purification terms, this is an opportunity to directly align something with purity - with nature deciding the outcome - not you or me. There is no shamanic meaning involved. You are never being pushed into a certain view or 'other energy'. Quite the opposite: you are embodying your purity more strongly while certain frequencies are coming up for purification in our world right now which are false. In the purification space you are part of the mechanism which transforms them.

Action needed

Because your false identities naturally begin to drop, the focus shifts to living what is right from understanding and correcting what is wrong.

  • It becomes all about what you can do and rebuilding our societies, which drives the purification even deeper.
  • You more faithfully align with nature's principles and then need to reset your way of being on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual to match your new vibration.

Nature decides

Nature, timing, the planetary picture and the purity of your own source connection decide the outcome: not me or you. Sometimes we get what want and sometimes we don't. At certain points you may also feel worse as things release or you meet deeper challenges. This is about alignment with nature's principles in real-time.

Live & direct

You return to answering to what is there right now in your body, moment by moment - nothing and no one else. There's no systems, methods, practices, formulae,  "what to do's" or "how to's". You are responsible for choosing what to adopt according to what you recognise as your own truth.

  • Please refrain from making overarching theories or studying my work intellectually. You will never work it out!
  • No enlightenment, channelling or therapy. No guides, aliens, substances, practices, rituals, mantras or ancestors. 

No dependency

You are free to come and go as you wish. There's no feedback, emotional support or personal advice. It's your life. You make all your own decisions - including about what I say. You need to be taking healthy control of your society and life - acting and making the decisions to make things the way you want and know they need to be.