There's no hiding.

Dec 2, 2022

Some will realise they are the ones in charge and take things into their own hands regardless of what is going on. These are the people who will survive. Those who have pushed, bullied and supported what is happening, slowly will come under the spotlight: it doesn’t look good for them. Those who lose it and take up violence - that always ends one way. Not advisable. Now it is a race against time. Do you have other systems in place? No? Then the outcome will depend entirely on your frequency. Yes? The outcome will still depend on your frequency. You’ll already be able to live mostly outside the system and will have precious time to get ahead. One thing is for sure. Many many will likely continue to leave. More and more will be moved in to replace them. Those who say but don’t do will sign up for it all quicker than the rest. Meanwhile the number behind this is even smaller than it first was. They will move even faster next year. Time to get really serious.