Aug 17, 2024
Live from the vision of our age and face the facts concerning the world situation. Get back in time. Identify all extreme distortions of the truth in close range. Disconnect from people who say one thing and do another. Tactically withdraw from what is not working in your financial, business and digital life. Resolve emotional absence and hypersensitivity. Reconcile extreme mood swings, hormone imbalances, stomach and eye problems.
Related events: Abandon the mainframe; Deadlines & timekeeping; Dream, vision & predictability; Emotional blackmail; Erasing duplicity; Liars, thieves & cowards; Out of time; The seeds of your greatness; True vision; Your highest vision of yourself.
Event: Reboot groups.
Theme: Abundance, money & business; Core issues; Dreaming, vision, creativity & design; Rejuvenate; Success & taking control; Technology & AI; Time.
Included: 1 mp3 link (20 mins), 1 transcript (pdf).
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