The very last bit.

May 25, 2024

When old form finally releases. When you come to the end of a long cycle of purification, an entire pathway of your life can suddenly break off. You feel immensely free, powerful but as realities settle in, also quite lost. There's a big risk you can lose the positive outcome of your purification. In this gap, a deep resentment and anger may surface while your survival instinct kicks in. It's common to try to go back to how you were before or to try to "do something" to make yourself safer. The slave self desperately tries to take over. Except it can't. You've moved past that point. It's very important to stick with Reawaken in this patch. It will help you to settle down much more quickly into your new much higher vibration. Don't fall asleep. Not taking time for yourself can mean that you grip on to more material vibrations or acute negativity in an attempt to stabilise and stay in control. Be extra vigilant not to act out of fear or let it take over! Mastering fear

Event: Pointers from Jacqueline.

Name: My messages.


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