The future is positive 2.

Dec 21, 2022

Shed the 2 major points in this life where you departed from your purity. Release the younger and teenage you which has struggled to find its way and taken other paths. Extract major frequency vulnerability. Avoid getting caught up with all the stuff that is going down in society around you. Drop extra passengers and finally finish off old episodes riding on the back of obsolete slave self identities. Walk away from everything at the wrong frequency - and everyone not of the same core values.

Related events: Body transition frequency acceleration; For our children; Frequency baggage; Frequency conversion: breaking up the power; Frequency vulnerability; Frequency-body correction; Our young people; Radical endings; Seeding freedom in this reality; The end of the slave self 4: sealing the exit.

Event: Reboot groups.

Theme: For these times; Young people & children.

Included: 1 mp3 link (20 mins), 1 transcript (pdf).


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