Q&A with Jacqueline 2.

Jan 9, 2025

Get your questions answered. Ask Jacqueline any type of question on purification, a certain topic, the world situation or something personal. Hear her answers, identify and learn more about what's right for you, and go deeper with your purification via your own source connection. Part 1:

  • When the 6 aspects completely purify (leaving no trace) does that mean we no longer "have" to step through the mirror?
  • How can we encourage and support our children to absorb pure love when they are resistant or not showing interest to do so?
  • What is the different between Reawaken and Deep Silence?
  • I've a blockage absorbing pure love, about guilt and actions, past & present, when I observe my behaviors, thoughts & actions, there's still lot of guilt, when a strong sense of being "bad" or "wrong" still being present ...
  • You watched yourself being born or entering this reality. I would also love to know what you eat? And it also looks like you don't breathe, when doing Reawaken, how do you do that?
  • Why is it so challenging to change? Or perhaps better why do we cling to the images, the past and make it so hard for nature and source to assist in creating change?
  • Could you go into the topic of the gnostic revolution/awakening which you mentioned during the January message.
  • What occurs in a coma? Is it a time of deciding whether to keep or drop the body? Is it a synthetic influence?
  • You've said the interdimensional isn't interested in and doesn't understand love. If it's from another source why would it care about purity or want to be purified in our light?

Part 2:

  • We feel that radiation is increased or is it radio waves being emitted? We suddenly wake up at night sweating. What can we do to protect ourselves and others?
  • Some of us use social media platforms in order to market our businesses, because we still don't have alternatives. We want to stay self employed and support ourselves. Can you tell your perspective?
  • In jurisdictions in which the Digital ID program does take over, will many resist?
  • Can you speak about patterns, shapes and sacred geometry? Mandala's, Meteron Cube, Fibonacci circles and your art. How does it affect us when we look at it and why? How do negative/bad patterns affect us when we look at them?
  • When you mention parental projection, I'm not even entirely clear on what it means?
  • If we are all positive high frequency beings here to absorb pure love & radiate light, why don’t we remember coming here from the future, just like yourself?
  • Can you speak more about parental projection and what happens if a bond of affection breaks? Some people can't seem to really change.
  • Often I feel really anxious and even with all the techniques to soothe my nervous system I am not able to calm myself down. Do you have any suggestions?
  • My brother has changed tremendously lately, he was the sweetest kindest person, but now he is very tense, irritated, it's impossible to talk to him, he is hurtful to me and mom and it seems like his life force is being taken from him. What's happening?
  • Someone was convicted for 15 murders but never got into jail, always able to hide himself. But many people worship him. What about the 6 aspects if one never took responsibility for his crimes?
  • Could you speak a bit about general preparedness, prepping and emergency preparedness? Also about gardening, homesteading and self reliance as well as alternative communities and projects emerging?
  • I am a psychologist and wonder how professions like this fit with the purification space and Earth changes. Will these kinds of jobs be redundant and fall away?
  • What about people who has only flat and maybe a little balcony? where they will apply permaculture to maintain themselves self sufficient?
  • What happens to our bonds of affection after we drop the body. Do we ever have awareness of our old identities and people we loved?

Related events: Can't change, won't change; Death 101; Deep silence; Human & non-human; Interdimensional beings; Pure love & the not self; Reawaken 9 + Q&A; The 6 aspects of identity; The synthetic & the natural.

Event: Q&A with Jacqueline.

Name: Special events.

Included: 2 mp3 links (122 mins), 2 transcripts (pdf).


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