Q&A with Jacqueline.

Sep 24, 2024

Get your questions answered. Ask Jacqueline any type of question on purification, a certain topic, the world situation or something personal. Hear her answers, identify and learn more about what's right for you, and go deeper with your purification via your own source connection. Questions include:

  • Is one person in a family enough to really transmute tough circumstances, interdimensionals and patterns?
  • When and why do we break our bones? Is this a sort of recalibration?
  • Why do we still feel so alone and lonely despite the fact that we are so connected and together?
  • In what way is the sun connected to the energies on earth? Are we creating the solar storms because the sun is a focal point of our rising frequencies or is it the other way around?
  • I recently had a traumatic childhood memory come up that I didn’t know existed. You have said we will start to remember past lives. What is the difference between a forgotten memory in this body & memories from previous body experiences?
  • Can you help me understand what is the difference between the slave self and identity?
  • Are there people in positions of power that are standing up against the global agenda or is this too risky for them to be able to survive?
  • Given that we are beings of love that take on an image as our physical body, what does it mean to have ancestors? How do we relate to them and to our cultural lineages?
  • I had to put my beloved cat to rest. Relistening to The animal world, I'm wondering if you can clarify what you mean when you say our pets never leave us?
  • How and why did water come to Earth? And where from? 
  • What is imagination? Is it coming from our source connection or is it tied to another source? Is it related to dreaming or is it a mirror of that dream?
  • From what group of beings did you identify with before being born as a human here on Earth at this time?
  • Does the weather forecast control people and the weather?

Event: Q&A with Jacqueline; Special events.

Included: 1 mp3 link (55 mins), 1 transcript (pdf).


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