It's been a bit tricky ...

Sep 6, 2024

Recently, there have been multiple mini dramas springing up around us which we've had to deal with all at the same time. It's been like attending to lots of small skirmishes and squabbling children on a thousand different fronts! In almost every case, a shortage of self esteem and emotional disconnection from the new Earth body has been involved. Some can't find themselves temporarily when strong emotions suddenly arise and these well up, when we have not yet fully meshed with the infrastructure of peace, part of the new cosmic order of these times. Emotional connection, great patience and endurance has been necessary not to lose loved ones who must face themselves - and change quickly. The ability to communicate, to trust, and to receive what is truly ours must be in place to take this further journey as positive high frequency beings ... Take emotional control

Event: Pointers from Jacqueline.

Name: My messages.


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