Sep 25, 2024
Act, command and collaborate in dignity and integrity. Take ownership of your personal power, self manage and self reflect. Know when to lead and when to follow. Transmute rash, intense negative emotion and addictive patterns of behaviour, cyclically undermining you and buried deeply within your family. Model saying no, power sharing, honesty and authenticity - especially for the younger generation.
Related events: And when we say no; Boundaries & abuse; Control & the angry child; Eliminating destructive patterns of power & control in relationships; Limitlessness & power; Rage & proximity; Structure & freedom; Successful relationships; The way of purity; Tyranny & conceit.
Event: Reboot groups.
Theme: Abundance, money & business; Family issues; For these times; Higher levels; Personal sovereignty; Success & taking control; Young people & children.
Included: 1 mp3 link (20 mins), 1 transcript (pdf).
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