Oracle Girl
My messages
My messages.
What I want to say to you.
123 events
People who tell lies.
Nov 30, 2024
Now everybody is an internet warrior trying to "out" all the terrible people who are not what they seem. The problem is, half of them…
Hooking on.
Nov 14, 2024
During the Oct 2024 Silent immersion retreat, I spoke in [SIR3] Natural liberation about "hooking on". This is a function of slave self technology where…
Your devices.
Sep 12, 2024
We can use our devices and they can facilitate many amazing things. You may well store all your downloaded Reboot events on them, for example.…
It's been a bit tricky ...
Sep 6, 2024
Recently, there have been multiple mini dramas springing up around us which we've had to deal with all at the same time. It's been like…
No time.
Aug 23, 2024
Things are massively speeding up and most tasks now take far too long and are far too complex for the time you've got to accomplish…
Dreaming & Reawaken.
Aug 8, 2024
Don't touch it. Love issues endlessly when we don't get in the way of it. When we dream, moved quite literally by the opening of…
Do the right thing.
Jul 20, 2024
Money and nature ... Nature does not allow some things to grow. If something within its overall design malfunctions or does not uphold universal law,…
It's just a matter of numbers.
Jul 7, 2024
Keeping it human ... If the plan is to have a bunch of high grade robots in charge, it's necessary to eradicate any consideration of…
About real life.
Jun 29, 2024
Purification is not religion or spirituality. Purification is something that naturally happens when we are physically absorbing pure love and it is not separate from…
Time to change your eating habits?
Jun 8, 2024
Impact of the new Earth body ... Some of you have noticed that time is moving so quickly, you quite naturally want to eat less…
A word on community.
May 25, 2024
What exactly is it? These days "community" means a lot of things. It's not just living off grid in eco dwellings, which few can actually…
The very last bit.
May 25, 2024
When old form finally releases. When you come to the end of a long cycle of purification, an entire pathway of your life can suddenly…
Time & timelessness.
May 12, 2024
You must have noticed. Time disappears so fast now there seems hardly "time" for anything. You need to be an antenna which picks up the…
More from the door.
Apr 28, 2024
In answer to your questions ... Some of you have asked for more details about what happened to me at Aramu Muru. I was literally…
Expect Earth changes.
Apr 21, 2024
We are in the middle of a colossal, profound, quantum shift for humanity which is extremely positive. Now the ongoing planetary purification means that we…
Nature is coming back.
Apr 7, 2024
Rebirth through the body of Mother Earth and a surrender to nature's principles, part of the future-positive timeline. This heralds the accelerated breakdown of major…
The centre of your power.
Feb 13, 2023
... lies at an unknown location which no one else can access except you. Your path is always to drop attempts to gain that access…
We are all able to succeed.
Jan 30, 2023
Yes, there are many things which are wrong and should not be happening. And yes, it is obvious that there are people on the planet…
As you know, it is the way of things.
Jan 19, 2023
When you speak the truth people attack you and try to take you down. They can’t help it. Their own stuff comes up and they…
Love is stronger than negative power.
Jan 13, 2023
It is beautiful. It transforms anything. It is fierce and it is ruthless. It will remove anything and anyone who gets in the way. But…
So now we hit the accelerator.
Jan 4, 2023
The next 4 years will be the toughest and the most liberating. It will get more extreme and yet, less will apply. You'll be forced…
So what do you think?
Dec 23, 2022
Will Santa be visiting you this Christmas? Not likely. He’s been cancelled for safety reasons. He’s responsible for climate change and we’re all in terrible…
Panda power.
Dec 19, 2022
And people power. A massive wave is heading for the beach, which when it breaks, will dramatically reconfigure the planetary landscape. Certain things and certain…
The truth always wins.
Dec 6, 2022
Not your truth or my truth. Nature. It doesn’t matter how evil or criminal it gets, in the end there is no more pathway. It…
There's no hiding.
Dec 2, 2022
Some will realise they are the ones in charge and take things into their own hands regardless of what is going on. These are the…
Oh so FTX crashed.
Nov 27, 2022
Just in time to demand more compliance right across the board while taking one step further towards buying up all the BTC and maybe even…
There is a power struggle going on behind the scenes.
Sep 25, 2022
New versus old battles to take power and our future hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, we the people, mostly oblivious to the value of freedom…
Funny how one of them dies ...
Sep 13, 2022
... and then another ... to be replaced just in time by a (barely) younger version espousing military style operations to radically transform the global…
There's a fatal flaw.
Sep 4, 2022
After centuries of being told to worship money and you must work to have everything, it’s not going to work if it’s suddenly about no…
Morality built on immorality.
Aug 10, 2022
It's a curious thing. Everyone "doing the right thing" ... except it's the "wrong" thing and a very very dangerous thing. The whole world based…
Soon the opposite will happen.
Aug 5, 2022
In some places all that stuff will be illegal. Many will reel in shock. How can something we were told you must have ... suddenly…
Peace can be restored.
Jul 31, 2022
Even amongst the worst of things; the most unimaginable and the most criminal things. But you have to act. Acting means returning to pure love.…
They have entered synthetic reality.
Jul 27, 2022
You have entered quadrality. They are dropping like flies. You are dropping the body many times a day. They are conditioned by the dying frequencies…
It's been rather hot recently.
Jul 20, 2022
And still people don't get it. But why should they. There are so many other more interesting things to get your teeth into. Like insects…
Human suffering is not normal.
Jul 6, 2022
But humans suffer because they make bad choices. Illness was never meant to be a part of this planet. Nor was war or money. But…
There is always an answer.
Jul 2, 2022
A new technology capable of combatting and transmuting everything is now fully emerging for humanity. Despite the chaos and the deception. Despite dead doctors and…
We are at a great crossroads.
Jun 20, 2022
It is important to understand. You are standing in the gateway of your own heart. If, in the proximity of someone who already does this,…
You have chosen.
Jun 13, 2022
The universe swings behind anyone who aligns with purity - even at the very last moment. You can change things. Even the worst things slowly…
Grinning Monkeys.
May 30, 2022
To whom nobody is listening. Only their own are smiling and applauding: the rest of us moved on such a long time ago. Hard questions…
This time it will be different.
May 12, 2022
This time it will be different. In the past, wars have divided nations and the reset behind those wars has gone more unnoticed. Now, people…
People are noticing.
Mar 28, 2022
That while truckers were trucking and invaders were invading, governments were silently signing their rights away. The shadow controllers are now in total control: ready…
Money & slavery.
Mar 15, 2022
Historically the 2 have gone together but this does not need to be the case. Money in the right hands can be used to make…
They are all on the same side.
Mar 9, 2022
And make no mistake, even what you thought you owned and was yours ... never was ... so these so-called threats are just, yet another,…
The lights are going out.
Feb 27, 2022
Or so it seems. But perhaps things are about to change - massively. Events up to the May supermoon and just beyond will alter the…
Of course the lie is falling apart.
Feb 12, 2022
Lies always do. But what about the liars? Were they the ones telling the lie - or the ones telling you there's a lie and…
Everyone has a choice.
Jan 29, 2022
If you support a lie, those who also support the lie will destroy you and your children. If you destroy good people who tell the…
It won't be long.
Jan 6, 2022
Before people rise up. Before they will realise that a highly advanced technological race is present on the planet controlling everything, which has nothing to…
Your leaders have no choice.
Dec 16, 2021
And they are not who you think they are. They will not stop - regardless of the data, regardless of however much it is against…
There is only one law ...
Dec 5, 2021
... nature's law, which is very particular. In the real world, nature decides what stays and what goes; who gets sick and who doesn't. When…
A cold wind blows from the East.
Nov 28, 2021
Will it be war or will the dollar crash first? In either case you can be sure it will be deliberate. What people fail to…
Many people will likely leave.
Oct 1, 2021
But this will not be death so much as a re-meeting of ourselves in deeper alignment within. What is truth, purity and consonant with nature…
Our children are our future.
Sep 22, 2021
And there are many many, young, positive high frequency beings, on this planet, who are already in place for what is to come. They have…
You are not alone.
Sep 16, 2021
There are millions and millions of you who know the truth. The more pressure comes, let it strengthen you. The more fear they use, model…
They know what they're doing is unlawful.
Aug 29, 2021
That is why they pressure you so much. Anything to make you do it. The question is why. For some it is undoubtedly money. Others…
Be happy.
Aug 18, 2021
Nothing can stop what is coming. The future is very, very positive. This time will end. It may look very grim right now but these…
Day by day, your power is growing.
Aug 12, 2021
You have your own self healing ability, which at a certain frequency, resets all reality. Current events may be frightening but in fact they are…
So many floods recently.
Jul 29, 2021
Earth changes are coming. The hidden presence on this planet is showing its hand. Those on nature's frequency will receive the messages they need to…
Something else is behind the scenes.
Jul 18, 2021
And people are realising. Now it's not even covered up: there is a deliberate fast track to a certain type of very strange society only…
We are all affected.
Jul 8, 2021
Loved ones who have fallen for the greatest lie since lies began. Friends who are not the friends we thought they were. Our children ruthlessly…
We are in a new world.
Jun 30, 2021
And the majority of people are in another. One world is getting more powerful and materialising fast. The other is weakening and falling away. They…
It will all come out.
Jun 7, 2021
All of it. And this is just the beginning. But those behind it don't even mind. They are convinced they will get away with it.…
In the future there will be freedom everywhere.
May 30, 2021
This will be very very beautiful. And wherever you end up, if you left your previous home, you will likely not want to return. You…
So many are lost.
May 10, 2021
At first the innocent fell for it. Then they realised they must have been somewhat suppressed and controlled already to have fallen victim - and…
The old world is over.
Apr 1, 2021
If you think it's all going back to normal, you are seriously mistaken. Whether you realise it or not, Nature has taken over; the old…
Perhaps there is another race of beings ...
Mar 25, 2021
… on this planet who wants us all dead. (Well, it would explain a couple of things, wouldn't it?) Perhaps they're that advanced, they've mostly…
Now it is all about physicalisation.
Mar 18, 2021
The positive future is about the new currency of care - blood and water coursing with the frequencies of purity - actually taking form in…
Remote controlled humans.
Mar 8, 2021
Now you can see exactly who they are. When the inner connection of someone weakens, anyone can be taken over and manipulated by technology. Originally…
There is nothing to fear.
Feb 26, 2021
Your frequency is high. You know exactly what is happening and what they are doing. When something is weak, it pushes hard. And as you…
This is not just the death of the financial system.
Feb 12, 2021
It is the death of you as you have known yourself. A small group think you are of little consequence - and that whether you…
More and more people are waking up.
Feb 8, 2021
The percentage is getting high now. Around 56%. Many are still too frightened to stop complying - yet - but they know ... and the…
Your frequency protects you.
Feb 8, 2021
Stay in line with it at all times and the outcome is sure. The positive future timeline is no more negative high frequency beings. There…
Everything is in hand.
Jan 29, 2021
You are now in the new world, laying the foundation for what is to come. There will be a new economy where money only functions…
Watch carefully.
Jan 18, 2021
There is one reality, fast cracking, which is telling you a lie. And there is another reality, which is peace, calm and relaxation regardless of…
An attempted world coup.
Jan 11, 2021
Why? Depopulation. Who? Negative high frequency beings. How? By making this about an illness. What next? Two presidents. Come again? Both candidates are on the…
People are worried.
Dec 28, 2020
Understandably so. Things are getting worse - much worse - every day. There's no news, anywhere. Clearly the internet is being shut down as a…
You are in full control of what happens to you.
Dec 26, 2020
You are in full control of what happens to you. No one else can command your life. Nothing can take you over. When you understand…
You are capable of great acts of love and kindness.
Dec 21, 2020
You are capable of almost limitless courage. Your honesty and ability to be vulnerable can bring about instant, almost miraculous change. But that wild force…
You can't go wrong.
Dec 18, 2020
You can’t go wrong. The negative future timeline has closed and what is seeking to take over is being forced into its proper place. Of…
You and I now hold office.
Dec 13, 2020
You and I now hold office. When the law is no longer upheld, global citizens cease to be under mandate. When law enforcement no longer…
Purity burns up everything unlike itself.
Nov 30, 2020
This can be something very hard to understand. What seems "evil" appears good, what appears "good" is evil ... the poles reverse and meaning falls…
Soon you will be requested ...
Nov 16, 2020
… to do things which are totally illegal. In times of public emergency, where lives are under threat, unprecedented new measures must still adhere to…
Only you decide the future.
Nov 12, 2020
It is incredible how 6 billion people can so easily be duped into complicity and lies. Ordinary respectable people poisoned into thinking that those who…
For a long time now ...
Oct 27, 2020
… I have been telling you that I am from the future. Perhaps you are beginning to understand what that means. There are so many…
Never doubt that you are on the positive timeline.
Oct 15, 2020
Your frequency is changing: your body is mutating into a new form which more efficiently receives much higher vibrations. This is not easy, nor is…
The cracks are showing.
Sep 23, 2020
The cracks are showing. When those behind this stunt were planning the present assault on humanity all those years ago ... they forgot a few…
Saying no is not abusive.
Sep 4, 2020
Saying yes when you mean no - is. We are now in the most uncomfortable of periods, which is nothing compared to what is to…
You have never been more powerful.
Aug 24, 2020
You have never been more clear. Whatever is to happen, we must have a world without tyranny. You will never allow harm to befall your…
Things are intensifying as you can see.
Aug 19, 2020
Here's why. First, you are getting freer and freer. Second, the higher frequency you is drawing closer. Third, more and people are starting to wake…
Humans are beautiful in togetherness.
Aug 13, 2020
Their honesty and openness is unimpeachable. When we meet, something happens. A naked force of radical change begins to generate because we know we are…
You have all of the power.
Aug 5, 2020
And you can come into the proximity of someone who can accelerate your own ability to delete all of the programmes of negative control which…
The power of physical togetherness is inestimable.
Jul 29, 2020
When an impulse rises in society to silence, manipulate and control, an equal power rises which will take that duplicity to its final conclusion. The…
So, let’s wind back the clock a little.
Jul 23, 2020
So, let’s wind back the clock a little. Four months ago, we were told to expect at least a thousand deaths a day rising to…
A complex picture is emerging.
Jul 19, 2020
The powers which want to take over the planet are stepping up their game, as they fail to make the impression they had hoped to,…
This is the greatest time in history ...
Jul 17, 2020
… when you have the opportunity to match the freedom which you are - and always have been - with the freedom sorely lacking, on…
People are waking up quickly ...
Jul 13, 2020
… - far more quickly than expected. This is the big one! What is coming will overturn so much of what we have previously seen…
Currently on this planet ...
Jul 9, 2020
… certain people choose to destroy the wellbeing, safety and freedom of all beings to thrive and live as they wish. We are facing, nation…
You are nothing less ...
Jun 29, 2020
… than a unique embodied individuation of your own source connection. This is a completely different language to much that we see on Earth. You…
There is a new human revolution.
Jun 27, 2020
Your body is upgrading - and with that you can access the part of yourself which transforms your own biology; switches on your self healing…
Our leaders are not fit to rule.
Jun 25, 2020
You know it; I know it. But here’s the rub. We also know that until we are mostly without patterns, we will only reinforce and…
Life is precious.
Jun 22, 2020
Only a few months ago you enjoyed (relative) freedoms which may never return. The future is positive. But that’s because there is a timeline inbetween…
Do you know how to rewrite the future?
Jun 21, 2020
The future is never fixed and always under your control. Every human being has the capacity to change what comes. If humanity proceeds blindly according…
A few pointers.
Jun 18, 2020
You can find so many articles now, saying that the coughs and colds are a hoax or the government reaction was overstated, unnecessary, and has…
The tide is turning.
Jun 10, 2020
A round of coughs and colds and many who were asleep are waking. But now the stakes rise higher. While the shadow controllers wait in…
Do you realise what you are capable of?
Jun 6, 2020
What you have inside you? Why they are so scared of you? Simply put, if you discover what power you have, none of what is…
It is a great moment in our history.
May 30, 2020
The frequency has just entered the planet where the recognition that something is simply not you, now has the power to dematerialise the forces of…
You will now take the old system down.
May 28, 2020
It will be you who unseats the leaders, wakes up those who are sleeping, and takes control of your local communities. For as you know…
The future needs you.
May 23, 2020
The paths of possibility for a better outcome to the current world situation have shifted - but only so far. Meanwhile that bright future which…
You have infinite power to change reality.
May 19, 2020
But you must use it. The human body is the most powerful instrument, the most incredible technology that exists on Earth. Have you forgotten that…
It's time.
May 15, 2020
Whether you have a balcony or a back garden, it is time to grow your vegetables and fruits. Growbags and trays of sprouts if your…
As your future self steps in more and more ...
May 8, 2020
… anywhere there are lies and manipulation will be exposed. Outwardly it will be what you already know and have known for decades - that…
My look, word and touch are highly purifying.
May 2, 2020
They bring you back to just yourself. You have everything you need. You are self-sustaining. I wonder if you understand me. When you answer to…
Your frequency determines the outcome of your life.
Apr 23, 2020
Not anything else. If your frequency is contaminated with fear, rage, personal and ancestral patterns, you cannot operate in freedom and nothing you embark on…
You are in control.
Apr 21, 2020
When you finally understand that you are pure love, nothing can touch you; you have no fear; and you change the world. You can deal…
Nature works according to precise instructions and so must you.
Apr 15, 2020
It works in collaboration for group outcomes while feeding the needs of each individual. Birth your own sense of purpose and joy through your daily…
You collapse & rewrite the future.
Apr 2, 2020
You are rebuilding the Earth grid as you refuse to accept all that does not truly serve you. More and more structures around you in…
Stillness is the currency of nature.
Mar 20, 2020
At the heart of all momentum, change and activity on this planet … is stillness. Out of stillness comes the greatest things. Not only love…
Every problem on this planet has a frequency.
Mar 20, 2020
If you add that into the purification space it can be dealt with. It has the power to stop timelines in their tracks and dismantle…
Recently the world has changed.
Mar 19, 2020
While you may look around you and see isolation, lockdown and fear, in the real world, a new vibration is rising where there is no…
Yesterday ...
Mar 12, 2020
… several hundred people signed up to have me focus on them and receive a purification. They can continue what they are doing because I…
The Earth is changing ...
Feb 28, 2020
… and a great purification is taking place. Religion and politics, science as we know it, and all societal structures are slowly disappearing. The global…
Until that quality comes along ...
Jan 8, 2020
… which can free you from your basic limitations you will operate within those basic limitations and nothing else. Whatever you do. And that is…
This is a planet of love.
Jan 4, 2020
We are beings of love. We live in a time when the vibration is rising and both ourselves and the Earth itself are being reset…
Recently, in the history of this planet ...
Dec 30, 2019
… you yourself have wanted more than anything else to purify so the Earth can be a place of love. For this reason, the purification…
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