Dear Danny.

Stand together ... or fall apart ...
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4 events

A talk with Dear Danny 4. Jan 5, 2024
With Dear Danny. Face facts and realise what's going on, on Planet Earth. Examine the whole subject of destroying the self-experience of the loving presence;…
A talk with Dear Danny 3. Jul 25, 2023
With Dear Danny. Immerse in the rich frequencies of the new reality with joy, love, humour and coping with strong emotions. Come to terms with…
A talk with Dear Danny 2. Jul 11, 2022
With Dear Danny. Join us in breaking free from adversity. Navigate the journey of surrender into vulnerability and powerful truthfulness despite strong states of fear.…
A talk with Dear Danny. Feb 13, 2022
With Dear Danny. Join us in generating powerful frequencies of autonomy, self referencing and taking responsibility exploding the myth that we are powerless; cannot work…