April 2018 Silent immersion retreat.

From the UK on self hatred.

14 events

Source connection. May 8, 2018
Examine the dynamics of source connection: its relationship with the body and exactly what stillness is ... rather than just walking in nature, yoga, or…
You are all getting braver, faster & more in touch. Apr 29, 2018
In the time of the red sun, it is impossible not to love and this will change the world. Love is on your side. There…
You are the power in this world. Apr 29, 2018
It does not lie beyond you or beyond your reach. And you do not have to change things … what you have to do will…
There is so much that is possible now. Apr 29, 2018
And you are doing it. This is because we live in times which support this. We live at a very unique point in human history.…
Now the phoenix rises from the ashes. Apr 28, 2018
You are in a new world. You are a new person, navigating your life in new ways. This time, don’t take it all so seriously.…
You have everything you need from the beginning. Apr 28, 2018
And at any point you can resurrect the power and vitality of your source connection, tend it and reverse its decline. It muscles up in…
All of you have such capacity for love. Apr 28, 2018
Love is a somewhat outdated word these days. It has lost its meaning. Love is the only thing that can permanently change anything and it…
This is the time of the red sun (SIR Apr 2018). Apr 23, 2018
In the time of the red sun, all that is not you and does not belong to you must be released. Shedding can be vey…
As you purify. Apr 23, 2018
You must practically realign your habits and behaviours to match your new much higher frequency without the slave self. For the first subgroup it means…
The infinite aspect of your being is the super potentiator. Apr 23, 2018
It knows what is best for you. It is able to resolve anything. It is the limitless sphere of your being; the limitless part of…
What can I do to go deeper and change more quickly? Apr 23, 2018
"How long will this take? and “Why is this happening to me?” Invariably this is not about questions … if you really do want to…
When we identify with self hatred, we can never really love another. Apr 18, 2018
We limit ourselves and engage in a subtle disconnect where those around us will only ever know a shadow of ourselves. To hate is to…
Open your heart & everything becomes possible. Apr 13, 2018
The way of nature is a spiral and the way of the heart is infinity. Just listening to these words will start to unlock you.…
A bright new light emerges. Apr 7, 2018
This bright light is you. It is unlimited dazzling perception. And when your body is physically aligned with its pure intelligence and way of being,…