Dec 18, 2024
Recentre art as love at the core of community. Retranslate artistic outpouring as service to those in need of beauty, care and upliftment. Recalibrate yourself not as an artist hoping to be financially supported but as a creative outpouring of purity itself in the world for the purposes of upliftment and purification. Address lack; depression at not being seen or paid; and loss of hope, joy and beauty - by giving the art of yourself, selflessly to others.
Related events: Beauty & purification; Creativity & the interdimensional force; Dreaming, community & the new world; Forming the new Earth grid; Heaven, earth & embodiment; New Earth body: creativity & business; New Earth grid; Quadrality & beauty; Re-creation & limitlessness; The future, the local & pure love politicality.
Event: Reboot groups.
Theme: Abundance, money & business; Dreaming, vision, creativity & design.
Included: 1 mp3 link (19 mins), 1 transcript (pdf).
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