Aftercare 5: Physical cleansing.

May 31, 2021

Initiate, accelerate and earth physical cleansing. Intensify your purification from the full setting within your own source connection of shedding unwanted frequencies, materialisation and rebuilding. Harness the dynamic of motion which is nature itself and its principles to optimise and naturally reach for the foods which heal and expel as part of your everyday life. Align your techniques and regimens which rid the body of toxins, with purity itself, for the most powerful personal results.

Related events: Body clean-up; Food issues; Food, pure love & no harm; Real silence 6; Self healing activation for physical issues; You have your own self healing ability.

Event: Monthly message.

Theme: Aftercare; Rejuvenate.

Included: 1 mp3 link (29 mins).


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