A word on community.

May 25, 2024

What exactly is it? These days "community" means a lot of things. It's not just living off grid in eco dwellings, which few can actually do. The purification space is the widest definition of community you will ever find. You're already in it! And it's digital as well as physical. Whether you are in the city or deep in the woods, we are joined by the gold frequency. Meanwhile connecting with others, locally, is another very important definition of community. It is vital in these times. It can be for any reason and is primarily social, further forging bonds of affection - especially with people who you don't know, who may be very different to you. Not many people are meant to live together in actual physical communities, separate from mainstream life. These are often primarily for deconstructing old world paradigms and deeper, stuck, archetypal human patterns. They usually end because everyone quickly and successfully purifies (!) This is why (sadly) most people think communities don't work - and that they are rarely successful. Community & togetherness

Event: Pointers from Jacqueline.

Name: My messages.


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